Autism Acceptance Month

As you might know, my family has been touched by autism. Our son, Gerik, is 27 years old, lives at home, and is a super smart, very persistent adult with profound autism. He does not use words to communicate, but understands them. We use this month to communicate a little about autism, and the world of disabilities as a whole. 

I am blessed to work with several individuals who identify as being on the autism spectrum. They are amazing people, great co-workers and I admire them. They like all of us just need a little understanding and accommodations to thrive at work and in our community.

While we are focusing on autism, everything you read here applies to any person with a disability, intellectual, physical or mental. What people need to live a rich and meaningful life is acceptance, understanding and love. Isn’t that what we all need? The specifics vary from person to person, just as they do for everyone else.

Below are some resources for those interested-

Kittitas County Parent to Parent–Support, information, disability resources, and system navigation for families and those with autism and other developmental disabilities. For more information, contact Michelle Williams at 509.929.7277 or

Washington Autism Advocacy—Expanding access to healthcare, education and services for people with autism.

*Pictured above: Gerik at home helping cook breakfast.

You  can contact me anytime at 509 925-9851 or