The History of Jerrol's

1947: Don and Irene Williams build Jerrol’s beside their house on Highway 10, the main road between Eastern Washington and Seattle, now known as University Way. The “Original Store” is a soda fountain/convenience store. The original name is “Jerrol’s Handy Stop.”
Products: cold food, coffee, donuts, comic books
1950's: The student population is dominated by WWII veterans attending college on the GI bill. The GI’s support the snack bar into the 1950's with the sale of coffee and cigarettes. Pies are made by local homemakers and sold by the slice.
New Products: soda fountain
1954: The “Old Store” is built in 1954 to replace the “Original Store” and is the first stage of the building you see today. Tables and booths are added, as well as a drive in. A Mobil gas station leases a corner of the lot where the “Original Store” had been. The store expands twice more in the next 10 years to 5,000 sq. ft.
New Products: hot food, panty hose, lipstick, penny candy
1964: Jerry Williams and his wife, Annette, buy the store from his parents transferring ownership to the 2nd generation. They stop serving food and change the focus of the store to a college bookstore.
The name is changed to “Jerrol’s Bookstore.”
New Products: textbooks, school, art, & office supplies, music
1970's: The Mobil gas station closes and the gas pumps and tanks are removed. The old station becomes the book annex. You would ring a bell to get someone from the store to walk over and help you. Rolf Williams starts working at the store.
New Products: fish & pet supplies, film processing
1980's: Mt. St. Helen’s erupts, interrupting business as usual. Michelle Marshall (Rolf’s future wife) starts working at the store. The first computer is purchased, an Apple LLE. For a short time, “Steve’s Cars” sells used cars in the front of the store.
New Products: quick print shop, used cars, rodeo belt buckles
1988: The building is expanded to 10,000 sq. ft. and the book annex is demolished to be used for parking. The name is changed to “Jerrol’s Book and Supply Co.”
New Products: expanded general book selection
1990's: Rolf returns to work at the store full-time. The apartment building on the west side of the store is removed in preparation for the next expansion. We celebrated our 50th anniversary on June 21st 1997, with root beer floats.
2000's: Jerrol’s hosts several Harry Potter midnight release parties. We start our business division with online office supply ordering and deliveries. Suncadia becomes our first major account. We purchase Pearl Street Books downtown.
Product Changes: stopped selling textbooks
2013: Jerry Williams passes away and Jerrol’s ownership transitions to the 3rd generation: Rolf and Michelle.
Rolf’s sister, Michele Bradshaw, leaves the business to operate Pearl Street Books. The book The Unfinished History of Jerrol’s is published.
2015: Winegar’s opens its Jerrol’s location as our next expansion, with an additional 5000 sq. ft. The building is now 15,000 sq. ft. The name is changed simply to “Jerrol’s.”
New Products: Winegar’s ice cream , office furniture showroom, Owen’s Meat Machine
2020: CV19 interrupts business as usual, we close the store for 60 days. Meanwhile, we ramp up our phone and online ordering and expand our reach through same day home deliveries of toilet paper, ice cream & sidewalk chalk.
New Products: Road Trip Records, RC vehicles
2023: Amy McClelland, 4th generation family member (Don & Irene’s Great Granddaughter), joins the Jerrol’s team with plans to become Rolf’s successor.
New Products: Blackwing Pencils
2024: 100% of Jerrol’s inventory becomes available online at
We are not done yet, our story remains unfinished.