Craft of the Month - Envelope Booklets


Craft of the Month - Envelope Booklets

In honor of Independent Bookstore Day on April 27th I thought I would make my own book...or booklet I should say.  Here's what you'll need: 10+ envelopes (they must have a v-shaped flap)GlueScissors Put glue on the sticky side (the part you would lick) of the v-shaped edge of your envelope.  Flip the glue side down and put it into another envelope until the v-shape is inside the other envelope. Press down and fold first envelope back like a book. Put glue on another envelope, flip and stuff it into this envelope. Continue this until you have the desired amount... freshened up!

Posted by ROLF WILLIAMS freshened up!

The Jerrol's website has been going through quite the update recently. Running a site with over 10,000 products is a huge time-consuming task to get it done right, and our team just didn’t have the necessary time to make this happen on their own while simultaneously running a busy store. So we brought on Riley, Kyah and Mark to grow the online side of the business, make the site more user-friendly, and make sure orders go out quickly and correctly! Mark works in shipping and receives all of our online orders for both retail and business customers, Kyah works tirelessly to...